

I needed a program that would catalog and manage the business documents. After looking a several programs, I chose WordTempl. I'm amazed at how easily...

Ian McVay, USA


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Increased Office Productivity, Fewer Mistakes!


As your business grows, you'll invariably have to train new employees. Over and over and over... and over again. Here's the copier. Here's the coffeepot. Here's the file that we use as a template for all of our other files, just make the changes and Save As.

With each additional employee, though, the risk of clerical mistakes grows, especially if your office routinely focuses on frequently used documents such as contracts, legal forms, letters, proposals, and press releases. After a while, you just assume that your staff knows how to complete these items to your satisfaction - but how can you prevent a new staffer from making a rookie mistake, short of standing over their shoulders as they type?

WordTempl increases your office's work productivity while minimizing the risk of errors! With WordTempl, your most commonly used boilerplate documents are made available to your staff as forms, and only certain areas of each document can be edited. You create the template forms using Microsoft Word, using brackets to designate fields. Once you're done, you've got a standard document that can be used by anyone in your office with no risk of error!

Imagine the benefits you'll enjoy with WordTempl! Sales staff can send out thank-you notes in a flash! Support staff can provide you with signature-ready contracts mere moments after the terms of the deal are negotiated! New documents can be created in minutes, without the complex and error-prone routine of copy-paste or search and replace! Ever overwrite a master template by mistake? Bad news! Impossible to do with WordTempl! With WordTempl, you'll have the key to open the gateway to an entire library of standardized forms and documents! Your office will never be more organized and efficient!

Try it now!